About Us
Enfield Acoustics has grown at a rapid pace and now has offices and staff in Melbourne, Brisbane and Hobart. We service both large and small projects and businesses. Our staff have experience in a broad range of acoustics, noise and vibration control in planning, environment and buildings. Contact us at contact@enfieldacoustics.com.au to discuss your next project or if you are seeking employment opportunities.
With offices and staff in Melbourne, Brisbane and Hobart, we service both large and small projects and our core clients include:


Town Planners

Project Managers


Property &
Land Developers

Government & Local Councils

Builders & Contractors

Our Clients

We pride ourselves on delivering projects to specification, budget and in a timely manner.
We provide a broad range of acoustic services throughout planning, building design and construction phases. Our team comprises members of the Australian Acoustical Society and our areas of expertise include:

Buildings, Architects
& Contractors
Building Code of Australia (BCA) / National Construction Code (NCC) compliance assessments
Building and development approvals, occupancy certification
Cost impact and value management assessments
Acoustic specifications, soundproofing advice
CAD drafting
Schools (BQSH), office fitouts, commercial and community buildings
Gymnasiums (vibration and structure-borne noise)
Churches and Places of Worship
Auditoriums and performance spaces
Assessment of mechanical plant and services noise and vibration isolation
Greenstar acoustic assessments and certification
Building inspections, construction defect and PC reports
Town Planning
Acoustic reports for town planning applications and approvals
Responses and assessments to Council RFI's and permit conditions
Traffic noise assessments and glazing advice
Assessments to Planning Scheme requirements
Child Care Centre Acoustic Assessments
Music and patron noise acoustic assessments
Residential subdivisions and land restrictions / covenants
Review of Precinct Structure Plans (PSP) and Scheme amendments
Acoustic Assessments for Licensed premises, bars, clubs, restaurants, live music and entertainment, studios
Assisting Council's with application reviews and drafting of permit conditions
Assistance with masterplans and subdivision restrictions
Standard Assessments: Better Apartment Design Standards, Clause 55, Clause 53.06 of the planning scheme

Environment & Infrastructure
Infrastructure noise modelling and assessments (road traffic, rail, aircraft, ports)
Environmental Effects Statements
Land resources and materials (mining, quarries, batching and recycling plants)
Energy suppliers (gensets, power stations)
Factory plant designs and procurement assessments
3D noise modelling (CadnaA), propagation and contour mapping
Noise mitigation advice and design for commercial and industrial premises
Community, Authority and stakeholder consultation
Standard Assessments: SEPP N-1, NIRV, SEPP N-2, EPA 1254, AS2107, AS3671, AS2021, sleep disturbance impacts.
Compliance Testing
Planning compliance testing for Council's
Noise complaint investigations
Liquor Licensing Assessments
NCC / Building Code, Part F5, Site Testing for Impact and Airborne Sound Insulation
Acoustic testing for industrial and factory noise licenses
Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) noise testing
Unattended and attended noise monitoring packages
Impact Tapping Machine available

Construction Monitoring
Noise and vibration monitoring (demolition, ground, piling and excavation works)
Noise and vibration monitoring equipment hire to 3rd parties and consultants
Remote monitoring equipment available with real time results and automated email/SMS alerts
Noise and Vibration management plans for construction
Monitoring and protection of structures and heritage buildings
Assistance with construction contracts and amenity clauses
Human comfort and building damage vibration surveys
Turnkey Noise &
Vibration Control
Project management of suppliers and contractors
Soundproofing investigation and upgrades
Acoustic attenuator and enclosure design and fabrication for mechanical and refrigeration plant
Vibration isolation and floating floor design

Legal & Expert
Witness Services
Acoustic expert witness and evidence statements
VCAT, RMPAT, planning hearings and panels
Commissions, Building and Contract Disputes
Technical Peer Reviews
Assistance with lease agreements and technical writing

Contact Us
Managing Director: Darren Tardio
Mail: PO Box 920, North Melbourne VIC 3051
Melbourne: (03) 9111 0090
Brisbane: (07) 3435 1535
Hobart: 0499 049 212